Wonder Forest coon

Wonder Forest coon
wonder forest coon

понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

About my studies


I want to tell more about what I'm studying now: I make books, handmade books. We do various type of books, albums, boxes, ... 
It's the first year that I made books, I mean as a oftiial course, but few years ago I has a small course of making books, and I like it, now I'm studying an ofitial  year and I'm happy!

Photo album


воскресенье, 24 февраля 2013 г.

A little bit of history about the Main Coon cat:

The Maine Coon, also known as American Longhair, is a breed of domestic cat with a distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specificallynative to the state of Maine, where it is the official state cat.
Although the Maine Coon's exact origins and date of introduction to the United States are unknown, many theories have been proposed. The breed was popular in cat shows in the late 19th century, but its existence became threatened when long-haired breeds from overseas were introduced in the early 20th century. The Maine Coon has since made a comeback and is now one of the most popular cat breeds in the world.
The Maine Coon is noted for its large bone structure, rectangular body shape, and long, flowing coat. The breed can be seen in a variety of colors and is known for its intelligence[3] and gentle personality.[4] Health problems, such as feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia, are seen in the breed, but screening methods can help to reduce the frequency of these problems.

Like other cats, this breed have all the colours of coat!

Hello everyone,

This is X-ample, the object that made me create this blog, my new cat, of Main Coon breed. His name is Jack, we bought him in "Summerplace" web site, originally he was called Tessu, but the woman that selled him to us said that we can change his name.

All begun with our first cat, calles Masha, which lived with us a lot of years, she was persian, very beautiful, with a great pedigree (family tree). But she died a lot of years ago, but we still remembering her..
Now we have two cats, including the Jack, and the other is also Masha, we called her the same as the first we have, and now she live with us 7 or 8 years, and I love her a lot!
We bought Jack in german web site, so for take him home, we need to travel to Munich, it was a good day for practice my english and to see a lot of cats!!! I love them!

Hope we will live happy all five now!

This blog is all dedicated to my cats!!